desert avatar habitat

65 43 21
78 910 1112
1817 1615 1413
1920 2122 2324
3029 2827 2625
3132 3334 3536
65 43 21
78 910 1112
1817 1615 1413
1920 2122 2324
3029 2827 2625
3132 3334 3536
65 43 21
78 910 1112
1817 1615 1413
1920 2122 2324
3029 2827 2625
3132 3334 3536

65 43 21
78 910 1112
1817 1615 1413
1920 2122 2324
3029 2827 2625
3132 3334 3536
65 43 21
78 910 1112
1817 1615 1413
1920 2122 2324
3029 2827 2625
3132 3334 3536
65 43 21
78 910 1112
1817 1615 1413
1920 2122 2324
3029 2827 2625
3132 3334 3536
fish, puppies, wells, punks and rocks over the mojave aquafier

habitats are abstractions of 122 & 1/2 acres divided into 49 squares.

the center 2 & 1/2 acre squares contain a grid that depict:
  1. psy fish
  2. camp puppies
  3. geo wells
  4. crypto punks
  5. ether rocks